The most effective way to market your art is to send it directly to the decision makers looking for art for their products.

In my course Start Your Surface Pattern Business, I go through the step-by-step process of getting your art and web presence ready, finding the right contacts and multiple ways to reach out to those contacts. It’s super detailed and packed with resources to help you to move forward in your career. 

But we live in a fast paced world, and maybe you don’t need all the steps to build your career….maybe you just need to get 👏🏻 that 👏🏻 pitch 👏🏻 out 👏🏻

I dig that energy.

Let me help you get moving with my new Show Your Work Quick Pitch Kit.

This kit includes everything you need to write an effective email to an art director, choose your best work to include, show it off clearly, and get your work out TODAY.

Not a problem.

The Show Your Work Quick Pitch Kit has got you covered. 

  • A detailed guide to writing your pitch email including examples you can swipe
  • Art templates to format your work
  • A comprehensive checklist to be sure you’ve got everything in order before (and after) you push send
  • A video walkthrough of the kit packed with personal tips, helpful examples and motivational real talk

Get pitching today!

In case you're wondering...

What format does this guide come in?

Downloadable PDFs, web links, PSD templates, and explanatory videos with examples.

Will this guide help me find who I should be pitching my work to? 

Nope, this solves the “WHAT to send” problem, not the “WHERE to send it” problem. I dive deep into finding who to pitch to in Start Your Surface Pattern Business, if you need that info. 

Purchasing this course confirms you agree to the course terms of use.

Review terms here.